AV System Rental
An event exhibition booth functions to promote brand exposure and connect companies to their audience. To achieve marketing success, your booth should be able to generate high visitor counts and a long-lasting impression no matter in Kuala Lumpur or other regions. Having AV systems are excellent in getting attention to your booth while providing engagement opportunities.

Why AV system rental?
Adding flair and personality to your set-up, AV systems can work wonders in creating a memorable impression. A booth that is aesthetically pleasing and creative will also do wonders in ensuring that the crowd will not miss out on your set up. AV systems offer an opportunity for clients to spice up their booths with unique setups and interactive tools.
Services Features
We specialized in providing audio, video and lighting equipment, staging design and production services to event managers, corporate communication professional and venue owner which utilises cutting edge technology in the rental and staging industry. We work site by site with our clients, providing the most comprehensive solutions available to ensure a successful event. We attribute our success to the quality of the equipment that we provide and the exceptional level of personal service we offer. We also have extensive experiences in providing system designs, integrations, installations and supports from very simple to highly sophisticated AV system.
Why choose us?
With us (exhibition booth AV system suppliers), you can choose from an assortment of AV systems including static and interactive ones. Customize your booths with your own custom decorations and unique AV system. You will stand out among the crowd and drive higher visitor traffic. Give visitors an engaging experience and create a positive impression.
Who are we?
We were established as one of the renowned exhibition booth AV system suppliers in Malaysia. Building to connect clients with the target audience, we provide rental services and a wide range of exhibition booth AV systems. Choose from our selection of AV systems as a method of making your exhibition booth more engaging and interesting to audiences. We do not only deliver our service in Selangor & Kuala Lumpur, but we also deliver to other regions.

As an experienced exhibition booth display system suppliers in Malaysia, we understand the importance of an attractive display system. Contact us and we will be glad to work with you in building your company brand together. We guarantee competitive prices and unrivaled customer satisfaction in providing a quality audio solution.